/ blog.kanyi.me// Finance Leaders

For someone in “the business of saying no,” (his words) Maqubela comes across like a really nice guy. Born in South Africa, raised in the shadow of Yankee Stadium, his rocket of a career has taken him through a Presidential campaign, many start-ups, almost a dozen boards, and delivering hundreds (maybe thousands) of rejections in his previous role at the Collaborative Fund. Kanyi’s many hats all seem to fit: a restless curiosity, a disarming smile, and an earnestness that keep him moving in search of the right “yes”. So far, so good.
Kanyi’s Bio:
Kanyi Maqubela is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur based in New York City. Kanyi spent a half decade at Collaborative Fund, a $125M early-stage venture capital firm where he served as a partner. He served in board roles for Buffer, Hopscotch, Spruce, Roam, True Link, and as an advisor to Tala and Walker & Company. Kanyi has angel invested in education technology, consumer finance, and digital health. He has contributed bylines to a Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, and Fast Company. He has been a venture-backed entrepreneur, and is an adjunct professor at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in Entrepreneurship.